Are you looking for colors for walls, floors or exterior plaster?

But finished colors don't meet your expectations?
We have a solution for that !!! We manufacture any color for any surface.

Die Wahl der richtigen Farbe ist fast immer ein Problem. Die beste Lösung ist daher die Verwendung eines Farbmischers, denn so erhalten Sie die Traumfarbe für das Innere Ihres Hauses oder Ihrer Wohnung und für die Außenfassade. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie Farbmischer verschiedener Hersteller, wie Caparol, Sigma Coating, Tikkurila, Mapei, Kreisel. Wir haben auch Farbstoffe für NCS-Farben (Natural Colour System) und RAL-Farben.

In our shop for color mixesn canen you buy high quality products that are tinted in any color, such as: B. Paints

– for interiors (acrylic, latex, mineral, contract industrial)
– facade paints (silicone, silicate, dispersion, silicate-silicate)
– Impregnating agent for wood
– Paints for wood

Our customers are both private customers and construction companies who make small and large investments.
We are direct distributors of Caparol, Sigma Coating, Tikkurila, Mapei and Kreisel paints.
Thanks to our many years of experience, we can select suitable products for the needs of our customers.

  • When you order from us, you have a guarantee for original products;
  • For coloring paints and plasters, we only use pigments and dyes from manufacturers;
  • We guarantee the "laboratory" precision of the color mixing devices and the possibility of ordering materials in the same color.